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What does having more or being rich do if we don’t have love in our hearts? What does having more accomplish if you judge and snub someone who has less? We have one shot to do it right on our short journey here; on our deathbed, we will know if we were successful on our journey. Today’s gospel talks specifically about the Golden Rule. In a country mired with hatred and racism, I am constantly reminded of what my parents instilled in us – to treat everyone as we want to be treated. The world would be such a better place.

I recently met a Filipina lady that was brought here on a marriage visa, who got married, had a child and after 2 years her husband left her. She has no job, cannot drive, and was left with nothing. My heart went out to her as she was talking to Josie. Does anyone truly deserve this? Mind you, I only know one side of the story. Picture yourself in a foreign country and left with nothing. We can give so much more of ourselves. We can help, we can serve, and we can love and care.

Yesterday talked about judgment and I know we are all guilty of judging others. Open up a place in your heart that is ready for care, compassion, love; and don’t store it until it runs out. Share it with others.

Once chance, are we ready?